Fashion Pirate

Fashion Pirate
Be seeing you

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

One giant step for mankind, one pratfall for fibromaniac

Thank you, Deb dV., for getting me onto a more user-friendly platform (I hope:)(I may not be able to get there from here)! I have to say at the outset that my blogging will be blotchy--I never know when or if I can marshall thought enough to be coherent. I have a sneaking suspicion that I may be somnambulowriting, but I can't be sure. Ink stains used to give it away, but the computer keyboard keeps its secrets...
I do know I sometimes cook in my sleep (oh, all right, microwave in my sleep--I don't cook awake, either). Waking up to strange things like a mostly-demolished dish of cooked broccoli and cottage cheese next to me has been known to happen. It's probably a good thing my husband and I more or less banned chocolate from the household staples. I have been known to gnaw on baking chocolate (sob!).
I forget to take my medicines on time, I wander around in pain without thinking about taking the medicine I have for that and just keep feeling worse, I can't sleep, and you wonder why I call myself a fibromaniac? (I do?) There are times when the fibrofog is so deep, I seriously consider getting a fog-horn to put on my head. I used to categorize my days by the type of vehicle that appeared to have run me over during the night, F150 through loaded cement-mixer parked; I may have been using the wrong metaphor: maybe all along it has been a barge, a tug, a tanker running aground in my sleepless foggy brain. Oh, well, that thought will entertain me for a while...

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